MySQL vient d’annoncer la disponibilité immédiate de la première version alpha de son prochain système de gestion de bases de données : MySQL 6.0.
Cette nouvelle version intègre de nouveaux moteurs de stockage comme Falcon et Maria. Pour rappel, Falcon est un moteur transactionnel libre et successeur d’InnoDB (devenu propriété d’Oracle) ; Maria, pour sa part, améliore le moteur MyISAM avec des dispositifs de sécurité contre les failles.
La communauté est appelée à essayer cette version alpha afin de détecter les problèmes d’utilisabilité, de proposer des améliorations ou des correctifs, etc. :
Dear MySQL users,
MySQL 6.0.6-alpha, a new version of the MySQL database system has
been released. The main page for MySQL 6.0 release is at
MySQL 6.0 includes two new storage engines: the transactional
Falcon engine, and the crash-safe Maria engine.If you are new to the Falcon storage engine and need more
information, please read the Falcon Evaluation Guide at
and the Falcon White Paper at
The Maria storage engine is a crash safe version of MyISAM. Maria
supports all of the main functionality of the MyISAM engine, but
includes recovery support (in the event of a system crash), full
logging (including CREATE, DROP, RENAME and TRUNCATE operations),
all MyISAM row formats and a new Maria specific row format. Maria
is documented at
MySQL 6.0.6-alpha is available in source and binary form for a
number of platforms from our download pages at
and mirror sites. Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date
at this point in time, so if you can’t find this vers ion on some
mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
and patches at
The following section lists the changes in the MySQL source code
since the previous version of MySQL 6.0. It can also be viewed at
Timothy Smith
The MySQL build team at Sun Microsystems