Ant Release 1.6.4

La fondation Apache a décidé le 19 mai dernier de mettre à disposition des utilisateurs une nouvelle version de Ant. Cette dernière corrige les bugs suivants :

  1. Sun javah failed with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. Bugzilla report 34681
  2. DirectoryScanner.slowScan() was broken. Bugzilla report 34722
  3. DirectoryScanner.scan() could throw a NullPointerException on case-insensitive filesystems
  4. Get w/authentication failed with ArrayOutOfBoundsExceptions. Bugzilla report 34734
  5. Granularity attribute for <sync> task was undocumented. Bugzilla report 34871
  6. <unzip> and <untar> could leave file handles open on invalid archives. Bugzilla report 34893
  7. propertyset threw NPE with nested, mapped propertysets
  8. <ftp> up to date calculations were wrong. Bugzilla report 34941
  9. AntXMLContext.setCurrentTargets() is now public. Bugzilla report 34680

Have Fun ! Ludo

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