I would like quickly to introduce the reasons of this blog.
In fact, I’ve recently choosen Wicket as the framework I would use to do some fancy web stuff. I will explain why this framework on another blog.
The goal of this blog is to show my « progress path » to help others to discover Wicket and the issues I meet. As it won’t be an error free process, I hope I’ll avoid others some pitfalls in the way.
Furtermore, I like reusability and I think writing about my current work, how to do this or that, will help me a lot. And it would be stupid not to, maybe, help others.
Just a last comment about my choice of doing an English and French blog. The reasons are the following :
– I want to use (and may be improve) my english : all feedback on it is welcome
– Wicket is mainly used in an english speaking. Maybe some of its users will be able to help me when reading the blog : any help is welcome !
– at the end of the day, being quite in love with Wicjet, I wish as well to introduce it to French readers.
Thanks for your time reading this blog and, hopefully, see you soon for another post !
And, for sure, if you have question now or later, just ask them !
Hi sinarf
Thanks for your comment.
I agree it might be tricky to maintain such a blog, but let’s try it
I’m really willing to dig deeper in Wicket land and so I hope this little blog will be an additionnal motivation.
Regarding the extra space, I always do so, I fear it’s one of my recurrent english mistake. I’ll try to correct myself, but this one is hard !
For the wicket framework, you’ll hopefully read more from it soon on this blog
I hope you’ll have fun writing this blog, but you’ll see maintaining a blog could be difficult, maintaining it both in french and in english could be very time consuming. I wish you luck with that.
Since you want to improve your English, which doesn’t seem to be so bad anyway, there no space before !?:; (contrary to the French convention) don’t ask me why, I wouldn’t know. And I’m not sure anyboby gives a flying fuck, anyway.
Writing in English is fun! You want proof? We don’t even have a word for fun in French.
Let’s get back to the subject: I’ve never heard about the Wicket Framework before, so thank you to bringing it to my attention.
Good luck!