Archives pour la catégorie What is old/new in R2011a?


Je n’ai posté que 2 fichiers sur le File Exchange (FEX) de The MathWorks : whatsold.m que j’ai appelé « MATLAB Upgrade Utility » et emailtool_nodisplay.m que j’ai appelé « Send email using CDO ».

Le premier permet de savoir à chaque nouvelle Release de MATLAB les fonctions qui sont ou qui vont être supprimées , obsolètes , non documentées … d’où le nom de whatsold qui fait l’inverse de la fonction whatsnew shippée avec MATLAB.
Le second « Send email using CDO » permet d’envoyer des mails depuis MATLAB en utilisant votre messagerie Microsoft Outlook . Avec l’avantage que le nom de celui qui envoie le mail peut être modifié. J’en parlerai plus longuement dans un autre post.

Donc si on lance whatsold en R2010b , on aura ces informations suivantes dans un log :


1 functions « no longer supported » :

pixval: produces an error and is no longer supported. Use IMPIXELINFO


1 functions « has been removed » :

mex: This option has been removed.


7 functions « deprecated » :

mexdebug: MEXDEBUG has been deprecated, use DBMEX instead.

movefile: NOTE 5: ‘writable’ is being deprecated, but still supported for backwards

path2rc: PATH2RC is deprecated and has been renamed to SAVEPATH. PATH2RC still

helpwin: of multi-page help text. Note: this calling sequence is deprecated and

rand: syntax is still supported for backwards compatibility, but is deprecated.

randn: still supported for backwards compatibility, but is deprecated. Beginning

actxserver: The following syntaxes are deprecated and will not become obsolete. They


14 functions « is obsolete » :

sshow: (This function is obsolete. Use MAKESHOW and PLAYSHOW instead.)

isglobal: ISGLOBAL is obsolete and will be discontinued in a future



wizard: WIZARD is obsolete and may be removed from future versions.

imfeature: Note: This function is obsolete and may be removed in

imview: Note: This function is obsolete and may be removed in

cremez: CREMEZ is obsolete. CREMEZ still works but may be removed in the future.

freqzplot: FREQZPLOT is obsolete. FREQZPLOT still works but may be

remez: REMEZ is obsolete. REMEZ still works but may be removed in the future.

remezord: REMEZORD is obsolete. REMEZORD still works but may be removed in the

specplot: SPECPLOT is obsolete. SPECPLOT still works but may be removed in the

spectrum: NOTE: The function form of SPECTRUM is obsolete. It still works but may


28 functions « will be removed in a future release » :

mmreader: MMREADER will be removed in a future release. Use VideoReader instead.

avifinfo: AVIFINFO will be removed in a future release. Use MMREADER

aviinfo: AVIINFO will be removed in a future release. Use MMREADER

aviread: AVIREAD will be removed in a future release. Use MMREADER

wavplay: WAVPLAY will be removed in a future release. Use AUDIOPLAYER instead.

wavrecord: WAVRECORD will be removed in a future release. Use AUDIORECORDER

codetoolsswitchyard: This function will be removed in a future release.

maxNumCompThreads: maxNumCompThreads will be removed in a future release. Please remove

exifread: will be removed in a future release. Please use IMFINFO instead.

str2rng: STR2RNG will be removed in a future release.

wk1const: WK1CONST will be removed in a future release.

wk1finfo: WK1FINFO will be removed in a future release.

wk1read: WK1READ will be removed in a future release.

wk1wrec: WK1WREC will be removed in a future release.

wk1write: WK1WRITE will be removed in a future release.

intwarning: INTWARNING will be removed in a future release.

delaunay3: DELAUNAY3 will be removed in a future release. Use DelaunayTri instead.

dsearch: DSEARCH will be removed in a future release.

griddata: these options will be removed in a future release.

griddata3: GRIDDATA3 will be removed in a future release. Use TriScatteredInterp instead.

tsearch: TSEARCH will be removed in a future release.

bessel: will be removed in a future release. Use BESSELJ instead.

findstr: FINDSTR will be removed in a future release. Use STRFIND instead.

isstr: ISSTR will be removed in a future release. Use ISCHAR instead.

setstr: SETSTR will be removed in a future release. Use CHAR instead.

str2mat: STR2MAT will be removed in a future release. Use CHAR instead.

strmatch: STRMATCH will be removed in a future release. Use STRNCMP instead.

strvcat: STRVCAT will be removed in a future release. Use CHAR instead.


60 functions « undocumented » :

functionhintsfunc: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

makemcode: This undocumented function may change in a future release.

capturescreen: undocumented helper function which may be removed in a future release of MATLAB

hgfeval: This undocumented helper function is for internal use.

isdfgate: This is an undocumented function and may be removed in a future release.

doclink: This function is undocumented and reserved for internal use. It may be

online_concatenator: This function is undocumented and reserved for internal use. It may be

parfor_M_check: This function is undocumented and reserved for internal use. It may be

parfor_endpoint_check: This function is undocumented and reserved for internal use. It may be

parfor_range_check: This function is undocumented and reserved for internal use. It may be

parfor_sliced_fcnhdl_check: This function is undocumented and reserved for internal use. It may be

adddatadlg: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

addsubplot: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

enableplottoolbuttons: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

getfigurefordesktopclient: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

getplottool: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

javaAddLsnrsToFigure: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

javaGetHandles: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

makedisplaynames: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

plottoolfunc: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

setupplotbrowser: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

usev6plotapi: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release

activateuimode: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

adduimode: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

awtcreate: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

awtinvoke: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

fignamer: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

getptr: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

getuimode: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

hasuimode: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

isactiveuimode: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

javacomponent: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

makemenu: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

overobj: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

remapfig: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

setptr: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

tabdlg: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

tipoftheday: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uiclearmode: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uicontainer: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uiflowcontainer: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uigetmodemanager: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uigettool: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uigridcontainer: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uiload: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uimode: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uirestore: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uisuspend: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uitab: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uitabgroup: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uitoolfactory: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uitree: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uitreenode: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

uiundo: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release

iptgate: This is an undocumented function and may be removed in a future release.

imuitoolsgate: This is an undocumented function and may be removed in a future release.

utctrlCheckLogNames: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release.

imageplotfunc: This is an undocumented function and may be removed in a future release.

completefreqresp: This is an undocumented function.

psdfreqvec: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.


4 functions « Internal use only » :

indentmcode: This file is for internal use only and is subject to change without

mdbfileonpath: This file is for internal use only and is subject to change without

is2D: Internal use only. This function may be removed in a future release.

resetplotview: Internal use only. This function may be removed in a future release.

Si je relance whatsold dans la Prerelease R2011a je vais avoir un nouveau log.
Ce que j’ai fait ensuite c’est de comparer en utilisant la fonction visdiff le résultat des logs R2010b et R2011a.

On apprend ainsi :

  • Message qui apparaissait en 10 b et qu’on ne trouve plus en 11a

intwarning: INTWARNING will be removed in a future release.

  • Nouveaux messages en R2011a:

Les fonctions qui n’existent plus en R2011a :

ipttable: IPTTABLE has been removed. Use UITABLE instead.
cholinc: CHOLINC will be removed in a future release. Use ICHOL instead.
cholinc: CHOLINC(X,’inf’) will be removed in a future release.
luinc: LUINC will be removed in a future release. Use ILU instead.

Les nouvelles fonctions en R2011a non-documentées:

primitivevertexpicker: This function is undocumented and may change in a future release.
contours: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.
makebars: This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.
figureDefaultMenubar: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release.
figureDefaultToolbar: This function is undocumented and will change in a future release.

Hum hum intéressant tout ça …
Les 2 dernières fonctions non docuementées font ce que leur nom indiquent:

figureDefaultMenubar : Create default toolbar.
figureDefaultToolbar : Create default menus.

Quant aux autres voilà ce qu’on lit dans le Header du M-file:
MAKEBARS : Make data for bar charts.
CONTOURS : Contouring over non-rectangular surface.

PRIMITIVEVERTEXPICKER un peu compliqué à mon gout pour en parler!