[Zend Framework] Deux heures de questions-réponses avec Zend

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L’équipe de Zend Framework organise un webinar de deux heures de questions-réponses le 30 avril prochain. L’objectif est de permettre à la communauté de poser des questions stratégiques sur Zend Framework.

Voici quelques exemples tirés du Wiki :

  • Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques pour développer un modèle avec ZF ?
  • ZF disposera-t-il d’outils RAD ? Si oui, quand ?
  • Est-il prévu que Zend_Db puisse exécuter des requêtes DDL ?

Pour poser votre question, éditez directement la page sur le Wiki : http://framework.zend.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=43922
Et pour vous inscrire au Webinar : http://www.zend.com/en/company/news/event/webinar-zend-framework-the-big-q-a

It has been almost a year since the 1.0 release of Zend Framework. In
that time we’ve seen some of the most trafficked sites in the world
deployed on ZF, many popular enterprise-oriented projects built with ZF,
and some of the greatest times ever had (while coding) using ZF. Since
our community has been so great in giving back to the project, we
decided it’s the Zend Framework team’s turn to find a new way to give

On April 30, 2008, Zend’s very own Zend Framework team will make
themselves available for a 2-hour Q&A session. You can submit your
questions in advance on the wiki
(http://framework.zend.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=43922) to
give us an opportunity to think them over a bit, or you can surprise us
with them during the webinar. In any case, expect to find out more about
ZF while getting to know everyone on the team a little better.

We’ve started off the wiki page by entering the kinds of questions we’d
like you to ask us :), but feel free to ask any (non-profane) questions
you want.

Please register here for the webinar:


Looking forward to seeing all of you there!

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