
Sylvain Le Gall et l’équipe organisatrice de la 3ième rencontre des programmeurs Objective-Caml vous donnent rendez-vous le 16 Avril à Paris.
Malheureusement je ne pourrai pas être présent cette année.
For the third time, I am proud to invite all OCaml enthusiasts to join
us at OCaml Meeting 2010 in Paris.
This year event takes place in Paris on Friday 16th April 2010.
Subscription is opened and will be closed on Friday 2nd April 2010.
Presentations include:
- Enforcing Type-Safe Linking using Inter-Package Relationships for
OCaml Debian packages - The Ocamlviz visualization toolkit
- Cluster computing in Ocaml
- Ocaml in a web startup
- React, functional reactive programming for OCaml
- OASIS, a Cabal like system for OCaml
- OPA, same web, but with types and lambda
- OC4MC, Objective Caml for MultiCore
- Lwt, Cooperative Light-Weight Threads
- naclgrid: the collaborative rendering farm, a JoCaml-powered
desktop grid
The meeting is sponsored by INRIA, the Caml Consortium and OCamlCore.
Inscription is free but the number of participants is limited.
Further information and inscriptions:
The day after OCaml Meeting, Mehdi Dogguy from PPS helps me to organize
an informal day where OCaml teams can meet to work. We will have 2
classrooms, each can host 45 persons. There will be an internet access
and a blackboard in each room. Inscription is free.
Further information and inscriptions:
Hope to see a lot of you,
Sylvain Le Gall on behalf of the OCaml Meeting organization team.