GPU Gems : Chapitres 14 à 20 en ligne


Les chapitres 14 à 20 de GPU Gems 3 sont enfin disponible en ligne. Ces chapitres concernent toute la partie 3 du livre, sur les techniques de rendu.


Chapitre 14 : Advanced Techniques for Realistic Real-Time Skin Rendering by Eugene d’Eon and David Luebke (NVIDIA)

Chapitre 15 : Playable Universal Capture by George Borshukov, Jefferson Montgomery, and John Hable (Electronic Arts)

Chapitre 16 : Vegetation Procedural Animation and Shading in Crysis by Tiago Sousa (Crytek)

Chapitre 17 : Robust Multiple Specular Reflections and Refractions by Tamás Umenhoffer (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Gustavo Patow (University of Girona), and László Szirmay-Kalos (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

Chapitre 18 : Relaxed Cone Stepping for Relief Mapping by Fabio Policarpo (Perpetual Entertainment) and Manuel M. Oliveira (Instituto de Informática—UFRGS)

Chapitre 19 : Deferred Shading in Tabula Rasa by Rusty Koonce (NCsoft Corporation)

Chapitre 20 : GPU-Based Importance Sampling by Mark Colbert (University of Central Florida) and Jaroslav Kivánek (Czech Technical University in Prague)

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