YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Asynchronous Web Applications

Second meeting 2009 pour le YaJUG et le CRP Henri Tudor à Luxembourg, le 23 Mars 2009. Agenda:
- 18h00 – Welcome & registration
- 18h15 – Asynchronous Web Applications – Jean-Francois Arcand – French.
Emerging Ajax techniques, commonly referenced as AJAX Push, Comet, Reverse AJAX and HTTP streaming, are bringing revolutionary changes to Web application interactivity, truly moving the Web into the Participation Age. This session provides a detailed introduction to the Asynchronous Web and its application to social computing, explaining the underlying protocols and APIs, the challenges for application servers, and the high-level techniques available to application developers. Attendees will take away the information they need to add multi-user collaboration and notification features to their application using the Grizzly Framework, which is part of GlassFish Application Server. - 19h45 – Drink
La conférence ce tiendra dans les locaux du CRP Henri Tudor, à Kirchberg. Plus d’informations sur le site du YaJUG !
- Le site du Java User Group de Luxembourg (YaJUG)
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- YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Google technologies (GWT, Google Apps Engine, Guice, Android) dans
- YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Google technologies (GWT, Google Apps Engine, Guice, Android) dans
- YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Google technologies (GWT, Google Apps Engine, Guice, Android) dans
- YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Google technologies (GWT, Google Apps Engine, Guice, Android) dans
- YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Google technologies (GWT, Google Apps Engine, Guice, Android) dans
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Re-programmé. J-F Arcand ne sera finalement pas disponible. Vous pouvez voter pour le programme alternatif idéal ici