
Cinquième meeting 2009 pour le YaJUG (JUG de Luxembourg) associé cette fois à son voisin Lorraine JUG, le 6 Juillet prochain sur un bateau à Metz !. Agenda:
- 18h15 – Welcome & registration
- 18h30 – JavaFX Discovery Tour, Simon Ritter, JavaFX Evangelist at Sun Microsystems – English.
The demand continues to grow for rich interactive content, applications, and services that run on a variety of clients. Rich Applications have achieved a new degree of sophistication with requirements to add multimedia and animation. With the JavaFX SDK and the latest updates of Java SE 6 it is possible to incorporate innovative elements of rich client applications into existing Java software with minimum effort, enabling consistent user experiences on the desktop, mobile devices, TV, and other consumer platforms.This talk provides a glimpse into cross-screen applications development using JavaFX libraries such as vector graphics and animation and media applications with native audio and video. Additionally, this session will illuminate the JavaFX SDK delivering support for simplified application development. We’ll also cover the latest announcements about support for JavaFX Mobile from the likes of LG and Sony-Ericsson.
The session will also include some demonstrations that show that JavaFX truly is for « all the screens of your life ».
- 19h45 – How to build a client server application with JavaFX, RESTful web services and JSON par Sébastien Stormacq, Sun Microsystems
Rich Internet Applications – RIA – do require a strong service access and data access layer located on the back-end, just as traditional or web based applications. It is therefore essential to combine desktop technologies and server technologies in order to provide fast, efficient and secure access to your data.
This talk will show how to combine desktop technologies, such as JavaFX™ technologies, and back-end technologies, like web services and REST based services to build state of the art desktop applications.
We will go through a very simple example of REST data retrieval and a Java FX graphical representation of these data.We will use the following technologies :
– RESTful web service and JSR 310 (Jersey) API on the server side
– JavaFX on the client sideThe JavaFX application will asynchronously poll RESTful web services to collect data that will be used to dynamicaly update the client rich UI.
- 20h30 – Drink
Plan d’eau, F-5700 Metz (access map)
(free parking in the Metz’s ice rink)
In order to organize carpool, please visit www.karzoo.lu
Plus d’informations sur le site du YaJUG !
Free for members, students and unemployed (To become member, please check the procedure here).
NEW! You can register online here (for organizational concerns, everybody has to register, even if you are already member)
- Le site du Java User Group de Luxembourg (YaJUG)
- Le site du Lorraine Java User Group (Lorraine JUG)
Commentaires récents
- YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Google technologies (GWT, Google Apps Engine, Guice, Android) dans
- YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Google technologies (GWT, Google Apps Engine, Guice, Android) dans
- YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Google technologies (GWT, Google Apps Engine, Guice, Android) dans
- YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Google technologies (GWT, Google Apps Engine, Guice, Android) dans
- YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Google technologies (GWT, Google Apps Engine, Guice, Android) dans
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