YaJUG (Luxembourg) – Oracle, Eclipse, e4, OSGi & Spring dmServer

Le lundi 08 mars se tiendra le premier événement de l’année 2010 du YaJUG. Comme d’habitude, la conférence se tiendra au CRP Henri Tudor (29, avenue John F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg – Kirchberg). Agenda:
- 17h30 – Welcome & registration
- 17h45 – Oracle plans for Java and communities, Sébastien Stormacq
- 17h55 – Eclipse – an Open Source Innovation Network, Ralph Mueller
Open Source- for many the expression is a synonym for ‘no cost’ or ‘easy to obtain’. Only known to the insider is the fact that Open Source methods and licenses have become the basis of many industry collaboration efforts. Here Open Source is applied to jointly develop, maintain and distribute software relevant for the industry. Due to its well-defined Intellectual Property Management and its Development Process is the Eclipse Project today well positioned to support industry initiatives in the collaborative value creation process. The commerce-friendly Eclipse Public License (EPL) makes it easy to capture value in commercial exploitation, providing the basis for a successful and sustainable eco system. The talk will discover the motivation for open source in its different instantiations, discuss an ‘open source maturity model’ and will explain the Eclipse Foundation in more detail. We will also look into the future trends that we experience in the Eclipse Eco System. - 18h20 – e4: building the next generation of the Eclipse Platform, Frédéric Conrotte
- 18h50 – OSGI in a nutshell, Pierre-Antoine Grégoire
Swift presentation of OSGi and derived technologies, followed by a series of demos allowing to demystify its supposed complexity. - 19h20 – Spring dmServer, Christopher Frost
Virgo is a modular open source application server based on OSGi. It supports standard WAR files and modular webapps comprising OSGi bundles. We’ll explore Virgo features such as: repositories, deployment plans, regions, admin shell, and the admin console. The session will discuss the increasingly open future direction for the project and how you can get involved. This will be followed by a demo of a simple modular application showing it in both the command line shell and the web console of Virgo. - 17h30 – Welcome & registration
- 20h05 – Networking cocktail
Gratuit pour les membres YaJUG, les étudiants et les personnes sans-emploi. Vous devez cependant vous inscrire.
Plus d’informations sur le site du YaJUG !
- Le site du Java User Group de Luxembourg (YaJUG)
Commentaires récents
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