SQL Server index rebuid online and blocking scenario

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A couple of months ago, I experienced a problem about index rebuild online operation on SQL Server. In short, the operation was supposed to be online and to never block concurrent queries. But in fact, it was not the case (or to be more precise, it was partially the case) and to make the scenario more complex, we experienced different behaviors regarding the context. Let’s start the story with the initial context: in my company, we usually go through continuous deployment including SQL modification scripts and because we usually rely on daily pipeline, we must ensure related SQL operations are not too disruptive to avoid impacting the user experience.

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Monitoring Azure SQL Databases with Azure Monitor and Automation

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Supervising Cloud Infrastructure is an important aspect of Cloud administration and Azure SQL Databases are no exception. This is something we are continuously improving at my company.

On-prem, DBAs often rely on well-established products but with Cloud-based architectures, often implemented through DevOps projects and developers, monitoring should be been redefined and include some new topics as:

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Dealing with SQL Server on Linux on WSL2

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This is a blog post I intended to write sometime ago … about using SQL Server on Linux on WSL2. For whom already installed it on Windows 10, version 2004, you are already aware it doesn’t come with the support of systemd. Indeed, although it does exist in the file system, systemd is not running. If you intend to use directly SQL Server on WSL2, you need to read this carefully, because installation and management relies precisely on systemd!

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dbachecks and AlwaysOn availability group checks

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When I started my DBA position in my new company, I was looking for a tool that was able to check periodically the SQL Server database environments for several reasons. First, as DBA one of my main concern is about maintaining and keeping the different mssql environments well-configured against an initial standard. It is also worth noting I’m not the only person to interact with databases and anyone in my team, which is member of sysadmin server role as well, is able to change any server-level configuration settings at any moment. In this case, chances are that having environments shifting from our initial standard over the time and my team and I need to keep confident by checking periodically the current mssql environment configurations, be alerting if configuration drifts exist and obviously fix it as faster as possible.

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Availability Group 2017 Direct seeding and updated default path policy

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A couple of days ago, I ran into an issue when adding a new database in direct seeding mode that led me to reconsider refreshing my skills on this feature. Going through the AG database wizard for adding database, I faced the following error message …

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SQL Server service broker and curious duplicate messages case

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One of my last write-up to finish the year 2019. A couple of days ago, I ran into an interesting issue concerning a service broker architecture. Let’s introduce quickly the context: this is a start-based architecture with one target and more than 80 initiators as shown below:

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Recherche d’index et IO résiduels

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Ce billet fait suite au précédent à propos des recherches d’index et les pièges associés. J’ai pu rencontrer un autre cas intéressant mais ce n’est pas tellement la nature du problème qui m’a décidé à écrire mais plutôt les différentes façons qu’il existe de l’appréhender.

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David Barbarin
MVP & MCM SQL Server

Déplacer des tables en ligne vers des groupes de fichiers avec contraintes et LOB

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Commençons cette semaine en revenant sur une discussion intéressante que j’ai eu avec un de mes clients pour déplacer plusieurs tables vers différents groupes de fichiers. Certaines d’entre elles contenaient des données LOB. Ajoutons à cela une contrainte supplémentaire du client: déplacer tout ce petit monde en ligne pour éviter d’impacter la disponibilité des données durant le processus de migration. Les tables concernées possèdaient des contraintes de schéma comme une clé primaire et des clés étrangères ainsi que des index non cluster. Finalement quelque chose de plutôt classique avec lequel nous pouvons avoir à faire tous les jours chez les clients.

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David Barbarin
MVP & MCM SQL Server

SQL Saturday Toulouse 2017: SQL Server sur Linux – les slides

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#SQLSatToulouse a été un bon cru. Premierèment, je voudrais remercier chaleureusement l’équipe organisatrice (@Guss et @Fredg_31) ainsi que les sponsors et participants (sans qui ce qui ce genre d’événement ne serait pas possible).


Comme promis, vous trouverez les slides de ma session « Introduction to SQL Server on Linux for DBAs« . Définitivement un bon moment de partage.

Merci à tous!

David Barbarin
MVP & MCM SQL Server

Première installation de SQL Server sur Linux Red Hat 7.2

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Les premières annonces de Microsoft sur la sortie d’une version sous Linux sont prometteuses. Bien entendu nous sommes loin d’une version finale et la liste des fonctionnalités non supportées sera probablement un bon indicateur de la maturité du produit avec le temps. Comme beaucoup de gens je suppose, je n’ai pas attendu longtemps pour tenter une première installation sur Linux. Le processus d’installation semble bien documenté et ca sera l’occasion de partager mes premières impressions.

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David Barbarin
MVP & MCM SQL Server