Graphing SQL Server wait stats on Prometheus and Grafana

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Wait stats are essential performance metrics for diagnosing SQL Server Performance problems. Related metrics can be monitored from different DMVs including sys.dm_os_wait_stats and sys.dm_db_wait_stats (Azure).

As you probably know, there are 2 categories of DMVs in SQL Server: Point in time versus cumulative and DMVs mentioned previously are in the second category. It means data in these DMVs are accumulative and incremented every time wait events occur. Values reset only when SQL Server restarts or when you intentionally run DBCC SQLPERF command. Baselining these metric values require taking snapshots to compare day-to-day activity or maybe simply trends for a given timeline. Paul Randal kindly provided a TSQL script for trend analysis in a specified time range in this blog post. The interesting part of this script is the focus of most relevant wait types and corresponding statistics. This is basically the kind of scripts I used for many years when I performed SQL Server audits at customer shops but today working as database administrator for a company, I can rely on our observability stack that includes Telegraf / Prometheus and Grafana to do the job.

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Creating dynamic Grafana dashboard for SQL Server

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A couple of months ago I wrote about “Why we moved SQL Server monitoring to Prometheus and Grafana”. I talked about the creation of two dashboards. The first one is blackbox monitoring-oriented and aims to spot in (near) real-time resource pressure / saturation issues with self-explained gauges, numbers and colors indicating healthy (green) or unhealthy resources (orange / red). We also include availability group synchronization health metric in the dashboard. We will focus on it in this write-up.

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SQL Server index rebuid online and blocking scenario

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A couple of months ago, I experienced a problem about index rebuild online operation on SQL Server. In short, the operation was supposed to be online and to never block concurrent queries. But in fact, it was not the case (or to be more precise, it was partially the case) and to make the scenario more complex, we experienced different behaviors regarding the context. Let’s start the story with the initial context: in my company, we usually go through continuous deployment including SQL modification scripts and because we usually rely on daily pipeline, we must ensure related SQL operations are not too disruptive to avoid impacting the user experience.

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Monitoring Azure SQL Databases with Azure Monitor and Automation

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Supervising Cloud Infrastructure is an important aspect of Cloud administration and Azure SQL Databases are no exception. This is something we are continuously improving at my company.

On-prem, DBAs often rely on well-established products but with Cloud-based architectures, often implemented through DevOps projects and developers, monitoring should be been redefined and include some new topics as:

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AAD user creation on behalf AAD Service Principal with Azure SQL DB

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An interesting improvement was announced by the SQL AAD team on Monday 27th July 2020 and concerns the support for Azure AD user creation on behalf of Azure AD Applications for Azure SQL as mentioned to this Microsoft blog post.

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SQL Server on Linux and new FUA support for XFS filesystem

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I wrote a (dbi services) blog post concerning Linux and SQL Server IO behavior changes before and after SQL Server 2017 CU6. Now, I was looking forward seeing some new improvements with Force Unit Access (FUA) that was implemented with Linux XFS enhancements since the Linux Kernel 4.18.

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Introducing SQL Server with Portworx and storage orchestration

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Stateful applications like databases need special considerations on K8s world. This is because data persistence is important and we need also something at the storage layer communicating with the container orchestrator to take advantage of its scheduling capabilities. For Stateful applications, StatefulSet may be only part of the solution because it primary focuses on the Pod availability and we have to rely on the application capabilities for data replication stuff. But StatefulSet doesn’t address that of the underlying storage at all. At the moment of this write-up, StatefulSet-based solutions for SQL Server such availability groups are not supported yet on production.

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SQL Server sur Docker Swarm

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SQL Server 2017 est disponible sur de multiples plateformes: Windows, Linux et Docker. La dernière plateforme fournit des fonctionnalités de containerisation avec setup rapide et sans prérequis spécifiques avant d’exécuter des bases de données SQL Server qui sont probablement la clé du succès pour les développeurs.

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David Barbarin
MVP & MCM SQL Server

Prochaine édition des 24 HOP 2017 francophone

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La prochaine édition du 24 Hours of PASS 2017 edition francophone se déroulera les 29-30 juin prochain.

Pour rappel le format est simple: 24 webinars gratuits répartis sur 2 jours de 07:00 à 18h00 GMT et en Français. La seule obligation: s’inscrire aux sessions auxquelles vous assisterez. Cela vous permettra également de récupérer l’enregistrement vidéo si vous voulez la visionner à nouveau par la suite.

Cette année il y en aura encore pour tous les goûts. Du monitoring, de la performance, de l’Azure, de la BI, du BigData et machine learning, de la modélisation, de la haute disponibilité, de l’open source et des nouveautés concernant la prochaine version de SQL Server!

Pour ma part j’aurai le privilège de présenter une session concernant les nouvelles possibilités en terme de haute disponibilité avec SQL Server dans un monde mixte (Windows et Linux) et un monde “full Linux”.


Au plaisir de vous y retrouver!

David Barbarin
MVP & MCM SQL Server

SQL Server 2017 – Linux et scénarios log shipping

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Dans ce billet, nous aborderons la fonctionnalité logshipping disponible depuis SQL Server CTP 2.0. Précisons d’abord que c’est une fonctionnalité HA OS-agnostic et qu’il est possible de créer sa propre solution custom même sous Linux (via des jobs cron par exemple). Mais il s’agit ici de parler de la solution out-of-the-box disponible maintenant sous Linux …

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David Barbarin
MVP & MCM SQL Server