Configuring Integrated Windows Authentication with SSRS and SQL DB Azure

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Today let’s talk about Cloud and Azure. My new job gives me now the opportunity to work in a hybrid environment with some components hosted in a cloud including SQL Azure Databases. To get straight to the point, PaaS databases are different beasts and I my confirm DBA role is shifting to another dimension. The focus is more on providing higher value in the architecture design and tuning because resources are a big concern, at least in a different order of magnitude, because they are now treated as operational expenses (OpEx). Entering now in a World of code as infrastructure, provisioning such service has become an easy game and can be automated through Cloud provider APIs and specialized tools. My colleagues already did a lot of good jobs on this topic.

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SQL Server groupes de disponibilités AlwaysOn et abonnements SSRS

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Il y a quelques jours, j’ai eu l’occasion de travailler sur une infrastructure incluant des groupes de disponibilités AlwaysOn 2014 et un rapport de serveur Reporting Services en mode natif et en scale-out. Gérer Reporting Services dans une infrastructure AlwaysOn n’est pas toujours une tâche facile et cela dépend notamment des fonctionnalités utilisées dans SSRS. Ceci est particulièrement vrai lorsque des planifications et abonnements sont en jeu.

> Pour la lire la suite (en anglais)

David Barbarin
MVP & MCM SQL Server