Monitoring Azure SQL Databases with Azure Monitor and Automation

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Supervising Cloud Infrastructure is an important aspect of Cloud administration and Azure SQL Databases are no exception. This is something we are continuously improving at my company.

On-prem, DBAs often rely on well-established products but with Cloud-based architectures, often implemented through DevOps projects and developers, monitoring should be been redefined and include some new topics as:

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AAD user creation on behalf AAD Service Principal with Azure SQL DB

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An interesting improvement was announced by the SQL AAD team on Monday 27th July 2020 and concerns the support for Azure AD user creation on behalf of Azure AD Applications for Azure SQL as mentioned to this Microsoft blog post.

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Dealing with SQL Server on Linux on WSL2

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This is a blog post I intended to write sometime ago … about using SQL Server on Linux on WSL2. For whom already installed it on Windows 10, version 2004, you are already aware it doesn’t come with the support of systemd. Indeed, although it does exist in the file system, systemd is not running. If you intend to use directly SQL Server on WSL2, you need to read this carefully, because installation and management relies precisely on systemd!

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Universal usage of NVARCHAR type and performance impact

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A couple of weeks, I read an article from Brent Ozar about using NVARCHAR as a universal parameter. It was a good reminder and from my experience, I confirm this habit has never been a good idea. Although it depends on the context, chances are you will almost find an exception that proves the rule.

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dbachecks and AlwaysOn availability group checks

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When I started my DBA position in my new company, I was looking for a tool that was able to check periodically the SQL Server database environments for several reasons. First, as DBA one of my main concern is about maintaining and keeping the different mssql environments well-configured against an initial standard. It is also worth noting I’m not the only person to interact with databases and anyone in my team, which is member of sysadmin server role as well, is able to change any server-level configuration settings at any moment. In this case, chances are that having environments shifting from our initial standard over the time and my team and I need to keep confident by checking periodically the current mssql environment configurations, be alerting if configuration drifts exist and obviously fix it as faster as possible.

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SQL Server on Linux and new FUA support for XFS filesystem

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I wrote a (dbi services) blog post concerning Linux and SQL Server IO behavior changes before and after SQL Server 2017 CU6. Now, I was looking forward seeing some new improvements with Force Unit Access (FUA) that was implemented with Linux XFS enhancements since the Linux Kernel 4.18.

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Database maintenance thoughts with Azure SQL databases

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As DBA, your priority is to ensure your data are consistent, safely backed up and you get steady performance of your database. In on-prem environments, these tasks are generally performed through scheduled jobs including backups, check integrity and index / statistics maintenance tasks.

But moving databases to the cloud in Azure (and others) tells a different story. Indeed, even if the same concern and tasks remain, some of them are under the responsibility of the Cloud provider and some other ones not. If you’re working with Azure SQL databases – like me – some questions raise very quickly on this topic and it was my motivation to write this write-up. I would like to share with you some new experiences by digging into the different maintenance items. If you have a different story to tell, please feel free to comment and to share your own experience!

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Availability Group 2017 Direct seeding and updated default path policy

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A couple of days ago, I ran into an issue when adding a new database in direct seeding mode that led me to reconsider refreshing my skills on this feature. Going through the AG database wizard for adding database, I faced the following error message …

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Mitigating Scalar UDF’s procedural code performance with SQL 2019 and Scalar UDF Inlining capabilities

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A couple of days ago, I read the write-up of my former colleague @FranckPachot about refactoring procedural code to SQL. This is recurrent subject in the database world and I was interested in transposing this article to SQL Server because it was about refactoring a Scalar-Valued function to a SQL view. The latter one is a great alternative when it comes performance but something new was shipped with SQL Server 2019 and could address (or at least could mitigate) this recurrent scenario.

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SQL DB Azure, performance scaling thoughts

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Let’s continue with Azure stories and performance scaling …

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A couple of weeks ago, we studied opportunities to replace existing clustered indexes (CI) with columnstore indexes (CCI) for some facts. To cut the story short and to focus on the right topic of this write-up, we prepared a creation script for specific CCIs based on the Niko’s technique variation (no MAXDOP = 1 meaning we enable parallelism) in order to get a better segment alignment.

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